Alert Policies in Office 365

Why do we love O365?
Because it regularly provides new features we can use to increase productivity!

Today, let’s talk about the recent feature – Alert Policies.

The new alert dashboard tools help you set up and manage a variety of alerts, as well as timely address and resolve incidents. These alerts are generated when users perform activities that match the conditions of your policy. After setting up an alert it takes up to seven days to create a baseline and then the most interesting part begins: triggers first (when & where), and actions next (which conditions).

The security team and admins want to know exact details about suspicious behavior in their environment:

  • What if an admin elevated their privileges and added themselves to Organization Management role group in Exchange Online?
  • Or you have a massive spam volume increased up to 200% in the last two hours?
  • Or the system finds unusual file activity or malware behavior?

Of course, you should know about it, and now you can set up triggers to get alerts in real time!

We encourage you to evaluate this feature and implement it, the sooner the better. The cost is already included in the E1 plan and higher, so why would you wait?

Easy-peasy, right? That’s why we love O365!

For detailed information on Alert Policy settings click here.

P.S. Since there is no Alert Policies on-premise, the cloud is the only way to obtain this option. Also Alert Policies will be additionally improved in the future like everything else in the cloud! 🙂


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